David Thomas and two pale boys
Band Photos & Artwork

Click on an image to download a zip archive.

2pbs poster 1
Concert Poster #1
PDF file, 3.1MB in zipped archive, black & white.
2pbs concert poster 2
Concert poster #2
In A3 format with 3mm bleed..
PDF file in zipped archive, 631K, black & white.
PB logo
Pale Boys logo
Design: Andy Diagram.
400 dpi jpeg. 36K.
2pbs in Utah pic
Pale in Utah
l to r: Keith, David, Andy.
300 dpi jpeg. 1.2MB.

PB logo
Blotchy Coat
l to r: David, Keith, Andy.
300 dpi jpeg. 2MB.
2pbs in front of a door pic
Badly Painted Door
l to r: David, Keith, Andy.
300 dpi jpeg. 1MB.